Part II. Die Varieties:
Doubled Dies:
Class V (Pivoted Hub Doubling)
Class V Doubled Dies are related to Class I Doubled Dies as they both have a rotation in the doubling. If one understands Class I, Rotated Hub Doubling, then understanding Pivoted Hub Doubling should be a snap. Where Pivoted hub doubling differs is that the center of rotation is very near or at the rim. (While Rotated hub doubling may not always be dead center, nevertheless, as long as it is in the central area, it is considered Class I whereas anything near the rim is Class V.)
Like Rotated hub doubling, doubling is either Clockwise (CW) or Counter-clockwise (CCW). Unlike Rotated hub doubling, the degree of rotation (or the spread) is strongest opposite the pivot point. Doubling progressively diminishes from there as you move toward the pivot point. Rotated hub doubling, by contrast, shows same degree of rotation all away around.
Below is a facsimile of a fictitious 1960P DDO with Class V doubling. The pivot point is in-between coordinates K5 and K4 near the date. A K(number) represents an area along the rim that coincides with numbers on a clock. Notice how there is no doubling at the date, but directly opposite the pivot point at K10.5, there is very strong doubling. Follow the doubling around and it gradually decreases.
A similar DDO to the illustration above is 1995 DDO-001 (FS-101). It has its pivot point near K4 and shows strong CW doubling in IN GOD and parts of LIBERTY with lesser doubling in WE TRUST.
For clarity, below is another facsimile of a fictitious DDO also with a K4 pivot point like that of the 1995 above. The hubbings are colored green (lightest) and red (deepest). The strongest doubling is seen in LIBERTY and IN, as you move away toward the date doubling decreases.
For comparison a shot of LIBERTY from 1995 DDO-001 is next to an overlay from the above hypothetical. Below are details of 1995 DDO-001.
1936 DDO-003 (FS-103) with a pivot point at K5 shows a strong spread in IN GOD that progressively decreases toward TRUST and cannot be seen in the date.
Next is 1980 DDO-001 (FS-101) with a K11 pivot point showing strong doubling in the date, decreasing in LIBERTY and not at all in the motto.
1966 DDO-001 (FS-101) with pivot point at K7 shows strongest in TRUST and fades but is visible in the date, WE, the eyelid and edge Lincoln’s coat.
1973 DDO-001 has a pivot point around K5. Doubling is seen in LIBE and IN TRUST.
1995-D DDO-003 (FS-101) with a pivot point at K7.5 shows the strongest doubling in TRUST. Doubling diminishes through the rest of the motto and date. Some doubling is visible in the hair, ear, eyelid and mintmark. The mintmark is part of the design (not punched into the die) so this is not an RPM.
All doubled die illustrations are by Jason Cuvelier.