Part III. Die Installation Errors:
Design/composition mismatches
Definition: High-relief designs, or designs enhanced in some other manner, may be associated with a thicker planchet or one with a different composition. This creates the potential for dies with the enhanced design to be mistakenly used to strike planchets associated with the ordinary design. The opposite situation can also occur, where dies carrying the ordinary design are used to strike planchets associated with the enhanced design.

This 1994 stainless steel commemorative 5 rupee coin carries a high-relief design normally associated with a heavier, thicker copper-nickel planchet.
This 1994 stainless steel commemorative 5 rupee coin carries the normal low-relief design.
This 1994 copper-nickel commemorative 5 rupee coin carries the normal high-relief design.
Other design/composition mismatches affecting commemorative 5 rupee coins involve one high relief die and one low-relief die on either the obverse or reverse face. These would represent mules as well as design/composition mismatches.