PART X. Wastebasket / Composite Categories:
Plating Disturbance Doubling
Definition: Also known as Disturbed Plating Doubling, this is a form of raised doubling that occurs only on copper-plated zinc cents. It’s something of a hybrid between blistered plating and split plating doubling. Tensile stresses that are generated next to the raised design during the strike cause the copper plating to lift up. The result is a raised outline or silhouette next to the normal design element.
Plating disturbance doubling can be found on on the obverse of this 1991(P) Lincoln cent. An offset raised outline of the back of Lincoln’s head can be seen to the WSW of the normal design element.
Plating disturbance doubling can be found on both faces of this 2000 cent. An offset raised date and an offset raised version of E PLURIBUS UNUM are shown.
An offset, raised version of E PLURIBUS UNUM can be seen north of the normal raised letters On this 1993-D Lincoln cent.
A raised outline of Lincoln’s face can be seen to the right of his normal profile on this 1993(P) Lincoln cent.