Part VI. Striking Errors:
Sandwich Strike:
Definition: A planchet or coin that is struck between two other discs. Coverage can be complete or partial on one or both faces.
This off-center planchet was struck between two other planchets. The planchet that overlapped the obverse face generated an internal indent, while the planchet that overlapped the reverse face produced a uniface strike.
This enormously expanded coin represents a planchet that was situated between two previously-struck coins during the strike. One coin generated a full, centered, first-strike brockage of the reverse design on the obverse face. The other coin was a considerably off-center cent that generated a 90% partial brockage of the obverse design on the reverse face. Incuse design elements on this face are limited to the back of Lincoln’s head and the motto LIBERTY. The rest of the surface is featureless, since this is the impression of the unstruck portion of the coin.