PART V. Planchet Errors:
Wrong Planchet and Off-metal Errors:
Struck on Emery Discs
Definition: This error occurs when an emery disc and a planchet enter the striking chamber at the same time. One side of the planchet and the emery disc will receive a full strike, while the other side will receive a “struck through” strike.
This 1986 American Silver Eagle was struck on a wafer-thin emery disc which is typically affixed to a buffing wheel and was presumably used at the Mint to help prepare dies. Somehow, an emery disc with an unpeeled backing entered the striking chamber first and covered the reverse die. A silver eagle planchet was then feed on top of the disc and struck. The result is pictured below. Click HERE to see the Silver Eagle that was struck through.
Images are courtesy of Heritage Auctions.
Another similar situation arose with the 1986 Silver Eagle pictured below. However, in this instance the planchet entered the striking chamber first and was covered by the emery disc. The result was an emery disc with a struck obverse with a bleed through image. The obverse of the silver eagle had a normal reverse, but had a struck through an emery disc obverse. Click HERE to see that Silver Eagle.
Images are courtesy of Heritage Auctions.